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Travellers Collection

The Travellers Collection features seven candle sets inspired by idyllic holiday spots including Mykonos, Miami, Capri, Ibiza, St Tropez, Marrakesh and French Alps. Each set includes six 25cm height of mix coloured candles sold in Matisse inspired luxury gift boxes that have been designed and curated by the style and beauty of these go-to destinations. 

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Travellers Collection - MykonosTravellers Collection - Mykonos
Sold outTravellers Collection - IbizaTravellers Collection - Ibiza
Travellers Collection - French AlpsTravellers Collection - French Alps
Travellers Collection - St TropezTravellers Collection - St Tropez
Travellers Collection - CapriTravellers Collection - Capri
Travellers Collection - MiamiTravellers Collection - Miami
Travellers Collection - MarrakeshTravellers Collection - Marrakesh
Travellers Collection - DubaiTravellers Collection - Dubai